Find train tickets to Las Vegas

Find train tickets to Las Vegas

The price shown for each trip will be the average for all passengers, including any infants.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sun 4/21
Mon 4/29
The price shown for each trip will be the average for all passengers, including any infants.
The price shown for each trip will be the average for all passengers, including any infants.

Good to know

Average price (round-trip)

(avg. price over the last 2 weeks)

Top tips for finding Las Vegas train tickets

  • Consider booking your train ticket in advance if you're looking to travel on a budget. You'll find that affordable train tickets to Las Vegas sell out fast since the route is a popular destination for travelers. We recommend that you purchase your train ticket early when tickets go on sale, with some rail carriers exhibiting early bird offers as far back as 11 months before your scheduled departure date.
  • When looking for a train to Las Vegas, it'll be wise to have the destination for your train in mind. Here, you have the freedom to book a train that'll place you outside the city or near downtown. Depending on the distance from the arrival train station to your intended destination, you might part with quite a bit of money, but the amount can be less if you choose the railway station to arrive at wisely.
  • Book through KAYAK and enjoy the convenience of selecting between nonstop and trains with scheduled stops. You'll find that nonstop trains are usually quicker but tend to charge more. If you choose a connecting train, you're likely to get lower fares for a train to Las Vegas. You may have alternatives of choosing between one-stop or two-stop train routes, with the latter taking up more travel time but exhibiting cheaper prices.
  • It'll be worthwhile to think about special needs access if you have a disability. Since there are gaps between the train station platform and trains, having an option that allows the smooth entry of wheelchairs aboard trains can be a welcome resource. When booking your ticket, you can request wheelchair assistance services beforehand that assist with getting you aboard. Such services can include the help of a staff member or station-provided resources like wheelchairs.
  • Looking for cheap train tickets to Las Vegas? 25% of our users found round-trip tickets to Las Vegas for the following prices or less: From Bern $1,138
  • Las Vegas's most searched train station on KAYAK is Las Vegas Downtown. It is located 1 mile from the city center.
  • You will generally catch the best train deals if you travel to Las Vegas in the evening.

FAQs when traveling to Las Vegas by train

What is the most popular train station in Las Vegas?

Which train companies travel to Las Vegas?

How long is the train journey to Las Vegas from the closest popular cities?

Can I bring my pet on board a train to Las Vegas?

What's the luggage policy for trains to Las Vegas?

What are the advantages of traveling by train to Las Vegas?

Do children travel free on trains to Las Vegas?

Book train tickets to Las Vegas (round-trip)

2 stops
22h 52m
2 stops
18h 21m

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  • One-way